
Saturday, October 8, 2011


The dictionary describes it as "overwhelming distress", but once you break it down, it is really just something that has happened to you, and, metaphorically speaking, broken your heart.

Heartbreak isn't just caused by the person you've been dating, breaking up with you. It is hilarious to me that so many people limit it to that, to just two people quitting their relationship, then walking out of each others's lives, when there are so many causes of heartbreak. 

There are children all over the world that are starving (or even in your own community); people that are going to be lacking heat during the upcoming winter; a family tragedy could be taking place within the family of one of your close friends, but have you even noticed? Have you recently looked at the statistics for abortions, per day, world wide? Approximately 115,000. PER DAY.   

How many girls are being raped as you read this? How many are being kidnapped and sold into sex slavery? How many wives are being abused by the one that they thought was their soulmate?

How many families are mourning the loss of the life of someone that willingly put their life on the line, to protect our country, to protect the Freedom that you currently enjoy?

Now, take a deep breath. Close your eyes for a moment. Is heartbreak still there, knocking on your door?

Go out and look at the stars, and try to count them. There isn't a number that can be put on how many stars that are in the sky. The same goes for broken hearts. 

Close your eyes again for a moment, and forget all of the depressing thoughts nagging at you. 

Now open them, and smile. Smile, because the same God that created the countless stars, also created the countless hearts that are now broken. 

He is the only one that knows the exact number of stars. He is the only one that knows the number of all the broken hearts. He was the first to experience heartbreak. 

Take His hand. Let Him walk you through it. Crawl into His lap and cry for a bit. 

If you would only look past your situation of depression, I'm sure that if you looked up, you would see God smiling down on you, saying, "I was there once. I am here for you now."

He will take care of you. Put your heart in His gentle hands.


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